Below we serve up glimpses of EPA's history in five different "flavors":
Oral History Videos
Alumni have recorded videos on a variety of subjects. Most videos are 45 to 60 minutes in length but are broken down into chapters for easier viewing. Transcripts and podcast versions of these videos are also provided.
As OMB examiner for environmental programs and deputy director of the environmental component of the President's Reorganization Council, Chuck Elkins had a unique close-up view of the key events and decisions involved in the founding of EPA. Chuck provides a behind-the-scenes look at the process of launching the new agency and the social and political context that shaped the key decisions about how EPA was created and configured.
(6 minutes)From Reflections on US Environmental Policy: Interview with William K. Reilly
Bill Reilly describes how he set his agenda at EPA drawing on the advice of the Science Advisory Board regarding the highest priority issues in the Agency including ecology and no-net-loss in wetla...
Jim Seif discusses the origins of his commitment to environmental protection and how this and his political activism have shaped his career
Half Century of Environmental Progress
High school and college students as well as others may not know about the major environmental problems and issues encountered in the United States in the latter half of the 20th century, how they were addressed, and the importance of continued vigilance in attacking remaining and evolving issues. This history of EPA has been written for them."
For many years, EPA published the "EPA Journal" with interesting articles on a very wide variety of topics. The Association is slowly digitizing and categorizing these Journals. To date we have digitized 3034 articles.
Search for information by typing a keyword in the box above or select a general category from the pull-down menu.
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United States
Travel in the United States.
Travel to the continent of Africa including both Saharan and sub-Saharan Africa.